Magnus Carlsen

Offerspill news - week 8

#Aryan Tari #Benjamin Haldorsen #Magnus Carlsen

This weekend several of Offerspill's players participated in the Hybrid Cities Cup [], a brand new concept from FIDE.…

Joachim B Nilsen

Offerspill news - week 7

#Champions Chess Tour #Magnus Carlsen #Benjamin Haldorsen

We bring a final report from the Opera Euro Rapid [] in which Magnus Carlsen reached the final against Wesley So. TalentOffer candidate IM…

Joachim B Nilsen

Offerspill news - week 6

#Magnus Carlsen #Konkurranser #Champions Chess Tour

In this update we focus on the new tournament in the Meltwater Champions Chess Tour [], namely the Opera Euro Rapid […

Joachim B Nilsen

Offerspill news - week 5

#Aryan Tari #Magnus Carlsen #Konkurranser

January has gone by so quickly thanks to the very entertaining Tata Steel Masters [] that just finished. We bring a concluding report from…

Joachim B Nilsen

Offerspill news - week 4

#Magnus Carlsen #Konkurranser #Nyheter

February is approaching and with it, hopefully, some good news in relation over-the-baord chess. In the meantime we can enjoy updates from the Tata Steel Masters…

Joachim B Nilsen

Offerspill news - week 3

#Magnus Carlsen #Konkurranser #Offerspill

Tata Steel Masters [] is underway in Wijk aan Zee. We report from the two first rounds of the elite tournament in addition to…

Joachim B Nilsen

Offerspill news - week 1

#Konkurranser #Magnus Carlsen #Nyheter

Happy New Year! Hopefully 2021 will bring with it a lot of changes, but the Offerspill news column will remain the same. This week we will…

Joachim B Nilsen

Offerspill news - week 52

#Magnus Carlsen #Konkurranser #Nyheter

This week our news article contains exciting games and reports from international online and over-the-board tournaments featuring World Champion Magnus Carlsen and other strong players. Follow…

Joachim B Nilsen

Offerspill news - week 50

#Magnus Carlsen #Offerspill #Nyheter

Plenty of action this week with annotated games, pictures and fresh results. Carlsen falls to MVL The Speed Chess Championship has come to an end for…

Joachim B Nilsen

Offerspill weekly roundup #5

#Magnus Carlsen #Konkurranser #Offerspill Online League

This weekly update will focus on several tournaments that concluded this week. Remember to follow Offerspill on social media while you are at it! Facebook [https:…

Joachim B Nilsen